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Reading the Bible Day 8

Welcome back to another day of steeping yourself in God's word. Today is a fun reading featuring the hilarity of Esau and Jacob. Jacob is the final of the Hebrew forefathers that Jews pray to (Bless us O God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob) by the time we conclude Jacob's story I would be curious as to which of these characters storyline you enjoyed the most and why. In any case, enjoy your reading and feel free to email me with any questions or concern you might have.


Reading for the Day:

As usual, an audio version is available below with the video if you would prefer


Audio Bible


Question to consider

I encourage you to write down your questions as you read and meditate on those. I firmly believe that somewhere in whatever God has quietly revealed to you in your reading is something that God wants you to hear today. However, if you would like to consider my own thoughts I pose the following question for you.

  1. Jacob is sly...not only does he steal the birthright but later steals the blessing from his father. Esau is the hunter of the family (notice the connection to Ishmael, son of Hagar, who was rejected despite his skills as hunter) and without his skills the family would not survive. Do you sympathize with Esau or do you view this as a "win by any means" scenario?

Share your own thoughts in the comments below or take part in the discussion group at:



God, thank you for the gift of Jesus Christ in our lives. Because of Jesus we don't need to earn a blessing or take a blessing away from someone else. We are all blessed, we are all saved, we are all loved you. Let me be a conduit of your peace and love to those I interact with today. May I not inherit the values of Esau and Jacob, becoming greater off the downfall of another, but rather, may I lift up others in glory to you. In your holy name I pray, AMEN.


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