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Ministry Teams

Member Care
Bears and Blankets

Available in the Narthex
Seniors of Faith

Every quarter The Member Care Team hosts a lunch in Harris Hall for The Seniors of Faith.
All who are single for whatever reason (death, divorce, or choice) are invited, so please extend an invitation to a friend, neighbor, or family member who you think would enjoy the food and Christian fellowship.
The Seniors of Faith group will be getting together for lunch
12:00 p.m. on Friday, February 7th
at Burntwood Tavern (Chagrin Falls), 504 E. Washington Street, Chagrin Falls
Please call or email Marilyn Wyville
Pam Wurster to RSVP


After Service Fellowship

Souper Bowl Sundae

Pancake Breakfast

Outdoor Service and Worship

Fall Lunch

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