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Reading the Bible Day 198

Hello friends! I'm going to be really honest with you and warn you that today's reading is interesting, but, dense and quite confusing. Today's reading is all about a vision that Ezekiel has of an angel (and later God) telling him what the rebuilt temple will look like. Much like the first temple back in Leviticus (wow that feels like a long time ago) this one was also goes into crazy detail with all the measurements and decorations. If you aren't great at visualizing geometrical shapes I've included really really cool animated video that goes verse by verse of what the temple likely looked in the "my thoughts" section below. I encourage you to return to that video frequently as you work through the reading. It might make it a little easier, and more enjoyable.


Scripture to Read


Audio Bible


Questions to Consider

  1. What does this teach me about God?

  2. What clues does this reading offer about what was happening contextually at the time? What were the people struggling with?

  3. What about this reading feels appropriate for today? How does it inspire me? How does it challenge me?

  4. Where in this reading is the "good news"?

- My Thoughts -

I have very little to share on this other than the aforementioned video, but I will say it's revealing how long the people were in captivity for because everything we are reading here we've already read before in the Torah. So many generations have lived in a foreign land that they no longer have any clue about the original Israelites, their laws, or their traditions. This is essentially a "reset" in "theology" for God's people. It's shame to me that we only do confirmation once a lifetime for Christians in the Methodist Church. I think it would be beneficial for us all to have a little "reset" and learn just what we stand for every few years or so. Could your faith use a "reset"?



Our prayer today is inspired by hymn 198 in our UMH - My Soul Gives Glory to my God. I invite you to either meditate on the hymn or participate in it by word or musically. This song has a super haunting intro that is really, really pretty on piano. Again, never heard of the hymn and thats part of why I personally love these daily readings. So much to discover!


1. My soul gives glory to my God, My heart pours out its praise. God lifted up my lowliness In many marvelous ways.

2. My God has done great things for me: Yes, holy is this Name. All people will declare me blessed, And blessings they shall claim.

3. From age to age to all who fear, Such mercy love imparts, Dispensing justice far and near, Dismissing selfish hearts.

4. Love casts the mighty from their thrones, Promotes the insecure, Leaves hungry spirits satisfied; The rich seem suddenly poor.

5. Praise God, whose loving covenant Supports those in distress, Remembering past promises With present faithfulness.

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