Hi friends! Welcome to the book of the Song of Songs (otherwise known as the Song of Solomon) If you ever longed to hear your pastor read sexual content to you then today and tomorrow are your lucky days! If you, like me, want to die inside just reading that I HIGHLY encourage you to physically read the scripture today and skip the audio Bible hahahah. With that said, Song of Songs is a really important book and honestly is kinda beautiful in ways. More thoughts below though :)
Scripture to Read
Audio Bible
Questions to Consider
Why on God's green earth would this be included in the canon?
Who do I think the characters are here? Is the young man Solomon? Is the Young woman his wife? Are the women of Jerusalem his concubines?
How does the Song of Songs run counter to what is often assumed about the church and its teachings on sexual activity?
- My Thoughts -
Now that you have finished Proverbs and Ecclesiastes and are beginning this book I want to start with offering the Bible Project's overview on the writings of Solomon which not only helps you visual what you have recently read (well, maybe in this case is not a good idea, ha!) but sees how it's connected to the canon and it's purpose for being there. I love the style of today's video. It's when their budget started getting a little bigger and their artists really got creative. Tomorrow we'll watch the overview video from Bible Project specific to this book.
Our prayer today is inspired by hymn 166 in our United Methodist Hymnal - All Praise to Thee, for Thou, O King Divine. I invite you to hum, sing, or recite the words as you make them your own in prayer.
Vocals start at about 1 minute. It's a pretty cover.
1 All praise be yours, for you, O King divine,
Your rightful glory freely did resign
That in our darkened hearts your grace might shine. Alleluia!
2 You came to us in lowliness of thought;
By you the outcast and the poor were sought,
And by your death was God's salvation wrought. Alleluia!
3 O Jesus, let your mind within us be,
For you were servant that we might be free
And humbly stooped to death on Calvary. Alleluia!
4 Therefore you are, by God's eternal vow,
Most high exalted o'er all creatures now
And giv'n the name to which all knees shall bow. Alleluia!
5 Let ev'ry tongue confess with one accord In heav'n and earth that Jesus Christ is Lord, And God the Father be by all adored. Alleluia!