Good morning friends! Happy day of worship! We hope that you will join us for the first Sunday of lent as Rev. Joyce leads us in worship and Rob leads us in music. You can find that service by visiting our lent page at
For our bible reading today we continue our reading of Proverbs. Today features long sections on what a fool does and what a wise person does as well as some strong proverbs on accountability. Not all of them are great, but there are some real gems in here. What will stick out to you?
Scripture to Read
Audio Bible
Questions to Consider
What does this reveal to me about the culture of the time?
What traits make someone a "fool"? What makes someone wise?
What stands the test of time as a good proverb? What is no longer wise?
- My Thoughts -
After the long boi wall of text from yesterday I don't really have much to comment on with this one. Today is another quick thought segment!
This is CLEARLY a royal proverb section as the first chapter is so focused on how the king is in a position of "from God's mouth to my ear". Take these proverbs with a grain of salt as they are heavily biased for the royal court.
Solomon must not of had a good relationship with his wife. (wives?) as this is the third time he finds wisdom is running from a "nagging wife." Ouch.
Solomon talks a great deal about the dangerous of trusting fools but never really clearly outlines what a fool is....a fool seems somewhat synonymous with the lazy person who is also criticized throughout the proverbs...but is it more? Solomon seems really upset with foolish people. What do you define as a fool? Is calling anyone a fool making you a fool because you're then close minded to their insight? This sounds...foolish. :P
Usually a song would be listed here but hymn 161 is just another version of the hymn from yesterday and that sounds kinda boring to list here. So instead today we have a more traditional prayer. Please pray along:
Lord, on this first Sunday of Lent, I accept the truth that you always meet me where I am. You never wait to intercede for my life until I have reached a certain milestone. I don't need to be good enough, or wiser, or more patient, or more responsible. You love me for who I am and promise to walk with me on the path of sanctification. Thank you, Lord, for meeting me today. I accept the invitation to take a step with you this season of lent. Amen.