Hi friends! Like yesterday and many of the days before we're going to be reading an entire book in a single session, which always feels so cool to me. But, much like the other books we've read since 2 Kings they all spell a similar message. Turn back or face the consequences. I believe the question that we should ask at this point is not "what is the central message of <<enter prophet's name here>>" but instead "why did the canon authors decide to put this prophet's message in the canon? " In other words, "How is this prophet's version unique from the other?" By doing so you not only get a bigger picture of the exile but also get a greater depth for the small glimpses of God's light in these troubled times of the Bible. Anywho, let's jump and see what Habakkuk says!
If you would like to begin with an overview before reading it for yourself I'd encourage you to listen to this great video from the Bible project.
Scripture to Read
Audio Bible
Questions to Consider
What does this teach me about God?
What does this teach me about humanity?
What does this teach me about prophets?
How does this message differ from the previous? Where is the hope found? Where is the struggle?
- My Thoughts -
I found the beginning of Habbakuk to be really timeless he writes that he is surrounded by those that fight with themselves. Obviously this is not exclusive to our time as people have always fought and disagreed over topics, but it seems heightened, or louder than ever before with so many avenues for communication and interaction. I originally deleted all my social media to escape the madness of the world but I found that to be like Isaiah running into the cave ignoring the troubles he was called to face. In other words, like Jesus said about the light, it's not good to anyone when its hid in a bush when it should be on a table to illuminate the room. I've slowly returned to social media like a hermit from the woods and tried to speak up on posts that are misinformed or hateful in nature. I've tried to make my own posts about why I believe in one thing and give citation for where I got it from. But Habakkuk makes me pause and consider....am I only adding to the people that fight within themselves? What separates a call to repentance from a call to war?
Habbakuk is kinda neat because of his response to the trouble's he faces. When he hears a message from God saying "everything is about to hit the fan 10 times over" Habbakuk's alleged response is to praise God in light of it knowing that God will deliver redemption after the scorn. I envy his strength to do this. Would it be wiser to simply be a non-anxious presence focusing on hope and trust in God in the middle of life's storms? Where do we draw the line between checking out of needed discussions and being a non-anxious presence who refuses to add to the calamity? It's a question I've struggled with a great deal since joining ministry and one I'm glad Habakkuk offers some clarity on.
Our prayer is inspired by hymn 138 from our methodist hymnal - The King of Love My Shepherd Is. Lyrics are included in the video if you want to sing along otherwise just pray over the words below. :)
The King of love my Shepherd is, Whose goodness faileth never; I nothing lack if I am his And he is mine for ever.
Where streams of living water flow My ransomed soul he leadeth, And where the verdant pastures grow With food celestial feedeth.
Perverse and foolish oft I strayed, But yet in love he sought me, And on his shoulder gently laid, And home, rejoicing, brought me.
In death's dark vale I fear no ill With thee, dear Lord, beside me; Thy rod and staff my comfort still, Thy cross before to guide me.
Thou spread'st a table in my sight; Thy unction, grace bestoweth: And O what transport of delight From thy pure chalice floweth!
And so through all the length of days Thy goodness faileth never; Good Shepherd, may I sing thy praise Within thy house for ever.