Good morning friends! We're going to continue our journey through the Book of Numbers. This section contains some wars between the Israelites and some native clans to the land of Caanan, thus marking progress in their eventual claim of the promised land. It also features a pretty well known story of Moses and a rock. Let's dive on it and see what God has to say to us today!
Scripture to Read
Audio Bible
Questions to Consider
What does this teach me about God?
What does this teach me about myself?
What about this text resonates with me? What parts of it cause me struggle?
Would Jesus say amen to this?
- My Thoughts -
One of the popular inspirational things I think of when I read this text is "an arrow needs pulled back before it can fly forward" as one of those things we say to encourage someone who is going through a struggle. This text today also speaks to me in the way reminding me that not every battle I face is evidence that things are going wrong and sometimes it takes a fight to get where God needs you to be. In other words, the struggles we face aren't signs or evidence that God isn't with us, sometimes, the struggle is a sign of solidarity. What kind of fights are you facing right now? How can you make your battle a statement of faith?
God, today I need you to be my shield from the battles I face. Help me fight off my own internal battles, my doubts, my fears, my stresses, and all the things that overwhelm me. Fight for me blessed savior, deliver me from the things that burden me down and let me use my struggle as a witness of faith and endurance to others around me who feel burdened by a heavy load. I sing with Gaither brothers who sing "shackled by a heavy burned by guilt and shame, then the hand of Jesus touched me and I'm no longer the same." May it be so for the glory of God's everlasting kin-dom. Amen.
Devotional prepared by Nick Gliha on October 26th 2020