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We are Saving you a Spot!

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They say you are the average of the five people you spend your time with, and we can safely say that we are a church with people that come from a wide range of diverse backgrounds, but also a caring group of people. We are excited to have you create positive influence through us and you as well.

Worship - 10AM (Please see guidelines on the home page for in house worship)


To access the live stream during COVID-19 click "Worship Online" at the top

Baby Playing with Abacus





April_11_Children's Musical Portraits-v1





Looking for our current or previous message? Browse our message library.

  • What Do I Do When I Get There?
    If you use the button up top "Plan A Vist" we will send instructions for all of that and assign someone to sit with you and be your first friend here. We highly recommend that path! Otherwise, come in through whatever door is closest to your car (3 doors total) inside each door is a greeter who will hand you a bulletin. Grab a seat in one of our pews where you are most comfortable.
  • Where Do My Kids Go?
    For the youngest (0-4 y/o) we have a state of the art nursery with a a constant caregiver who is liscened by the state and has passed a background check. A pager system means you are always a moments away. For children K-5th grade we offer an engaging Sunday School program at 10am each week.
  • What Does a Normal Service Look Like?
    Our 9AM service is a traditional service, meaning, you can expect hymns instead of Christian songs you might hear on the radio. Music is led by our chancel choir, not a band. There are many moments you'll be invited to participate in a call and response that is pre-written or a prayer said in unison. All of these words and the hymns will be projected on the wall for your ease. Service is approxomiately 60 minutes. Our 11:15AM service is a little more experimental! It's not quite contemporary, but it's not quite traditional. We change things up often at this one. If you're okay with that, than you'll love this one! This service is more casual than the 9AM service and lasts about 45 minutes.
  • What Should I Wear?
    At 9AM most people dress in their "Sunday Best" (formal) but some are business casual. 11:15AM it's a mix. Some older members are still trained for the Sunday Best, but plenty of families are in jeans and t-shirts too. Dress up, dress down. Be comfortable. God loves you no matter what!
  • What About Tithing? Do I Have to Give?
    You don't have to do anything! Those who call Chagrin Falls their home do practice their generosity each week through giving. However, if you’re a guest, there is no expectation for you to give. You won't find anyone who will give you "the eye" when the bucket passes you at church, so don't worry.

Getting Here

Chagrin Falls UMC does not have a designated parking lot but we’ve got three easy solutions to get you settled in. Check out the panorama of the lots and the bird’s eye map below by clicking more. We'll see you soon! 

We Are Here For You

From weddings, funerals, baptisms, counseling and care. Whether it is your best day or worst we are right here with you.

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