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Reading the Bible Day 86

Happy day friends! You've officially come to the final section of yet another book in the Bible! What have your thoughts on 1 Samuel been so far? Do you like the more narrative style of writing? Do you struggle with the war parts? What's been your experience so far? Share with me if you feel inclined. I love to hear from you :)


Scripture to Read


Audio Bible


Questions to Consider

  1. What does this teach me about God?

  2. What does this teach me about humanity?

  3. What about the Psalm stands out to me?

  4. What can I take away from all of 1 Samuel to help me grow with God?

- My Thoughts -

Hello and welcome back to day 3 of "Saul was treated too harshly". When I see Saul's unwillingness to eat I see tell tale signs of depression. Anyone who has ever had clinical depression knows how serious it is. How tough it can be to even get out bed or to take care of yourself at all. I think Saul is still reeling in psychological pain that few know of about his failure to live according to God. On that same note, Saul only eats and is able to carry on because he has a support system around him that won't give up on him. My challenge to you sisters and brothers is that if you are strong enough mentally still in 2020 to keep an eye on your family and friends and keep them accountable. Make sure they eating, working out, and staying positive. Further, if the pressures of 2020 have been too difficult for you I hope you will reach out to family, friends, or a professional and ask for help. There is no shame in it and pride is only a roadblock on the way to sanctification.

We also get a small taste of the leadership of David as he makes it certain that his people will live a communal lifestyle where all is shared equally whether they helped secure the plunder or stay home. There is something telling in here that the anointed king whom God is pleased with is leading a country that is focused more on communal health than oligarch health. We see this again with Jesus, again with the Act's Community and yet again in some of the churches Paul writes to where he says "share all that you have." I've talked with a number of my more conservative friends and family and many have shared that they are concerned by the growing "socialism" movement in the US among younger people. I think the argument about socialism, democratic socialism or human centered capitalism is not the debate to have here but rather I believe the question that should be asked is "why is socialism a growing interest among young people?" Why was it during the great depression? Because the wealth disparities were insane as they are now. Young people in the US face more debt than any other generation and on average are earning the lowest income in two generations before them. Of course they are inclined to believe that capitalism only favors the rich because that's all that they see! I think the question that we (capitalists) need to ask is what changes or reforms or stimulus' need to be made in order to show that capitalism is alluring and good.

I do not mean to make any sure footing when I say this but is it not almost biblically sound to say that social welfare communities are not just biblical but they are the most Christlike of them all? (as in God anoints those that follow it) Maybe I'm reading into the text more than pulling from it. But I sit with this for today. I welcome your thoughts and dialogue.



Heavenly Lord,

You have gifted us "today." A day like no other. A day filled with gratitude for the many who support the church in uniquely gifted ways.

We would ask that you open our hearts and raise an awareness of both Your presence and the infinite Love You have for us.

Today is not just another day. Help us and those we love and care for God, to experience many firsts today.

Today may be the first time someone will experience "unconditional love."

Today may be the first time someone listened to them and did not judge.

Today may be the first time someone felt a "different" kind of LOVE.

Today may be the first time someone doesn't let their past define their future.

Today may be the first time someone is "being met where they are at."

On this day of many firsts, Lord, You remind us to live this day as if it's our first day, our last day, and our only day. Lord help us to live each present moment to the fullest, not worrying about whether time is going quickly or slowly, but welcoming every moment as a gift, as You are with us.

Lord, You know how each of us has been touched by the church. You have always blessed this ministry with an overflowing abundance of love. It has uniquely been a connector of the Father's mercy and grace to each of the lives entrusted to us. You know our hearts and hear our voices.

We pray for laughter.

We pray for tears.

We pray for madness.

We pray for fears.

We pray for hope.

We pray for screams.

We pray for the kids who make the dreams.

We are joined together as your children, realizing that we are to encourage each other and the kids to "Live, instead of waiting to live." Our present life is always something good...for God the creator has endowed it with a blessing He will never cancel. You encourage us to always live in the present moment, for it is there we experience communion with You.

Lord, we ask You to bless this present moment, to bless each of us, and to bless those whom we are called to serve from the bounty of Christ our LORD. Amen.

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