Good morning friends and happy Wednesday! Today we have a shorter section of scripture, just two chapters and a psalm. Maybe read the psalm slower, or twice over because it's shorter. Or spend extra time in silent prayer just feeling the still small voice of God around you. :) Let's jump in!
Scripture to Read
Audio Bible
Questions to Consider
What does this teach me about God?
What does this teach me about humanity?
What about the scripture speaks to me? What about the psalm?
What do I struggle with?
- My Thoughts -
Chapter 17 is staying with me, albeit in a little abstract of a way. Chapter 17 is a competition between Aaron and others who are challenging him where God promises to make the staff of the true prophet bud. Not only does Aaron's staff bud, but it blossoms! When I think about this I think of all the things in our lives that are competing for our attention . Some of those things bring us life (hopefully our relationships, God, church family, etc.) while other things do not produce such life. Think about your friend circle, your place of employment, the things that influence you, and the things you crave and ask whether or not these things bring you life or do they sap you of it? Is it time for a little restructuring? At the time of your reading this I will be deep in the woods recharging my own personal batteries catching up on some fun reading and being with nature. Surely, it is well with my soul, and I am in a place that gives me life. I can only hope the same is true for you in all things you do.
Blessed God, I seek to walk with you and all the things that produce life. Further, I hope to be a person that produces life for others. Help me to become that person. As Jeremiah 31 proclaims, take away my heart of stone and give me a heart of flesh. Let me become alive for you today, Lord! Amen.
Devotional prepared by Nick Gliha on October 26th 2020