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Reading the Bible Day 248

Writer's picture: Chagrin Falls UMCChagrin Falls UMC

Hello friends! Today features Matthew's account of the arrest of Jesus and ending with his trial. As we get closer to his trial and death I just want to lift up a reminder not to fall into the temptation to be anti-Semitic. I would argue that it was not "the jews" that killed Jesus (while technically because of the locale and placement of the story that is true) but rather it was "sin" that killed Jesus. The presence of sin that causes our hearts to let fear override love, anger override peace, and zealoutry override religious devotion. We've seen that be true with Jews, Christians, Muslisms, Athiest, and everything in between. The trial and death of Jesus is a sad reminder of the power of sin and a moment of gratitude that it has been defeated and we can overcome its grip.


Scripture to Read


Audio Bible


Questions to Consider

  1. What does this teach you about Jesus?

  2. This is another instance of Jesus at his most human experiencing fear, frustration, and heartbreak. Are you more inspired by this Jesus or "divine" Jesus (healer, teacher, miracle worker)? Why?

  3. How have you denied Jesus before?

- My Thoughts -

The story of Peter's denial is one of my favorites, which might sound weird, but it's such a strong image to me. You can almost hear the weariness in his voice and the rising fear as more and more people approach him and asked. It's a moment of shame for Peter and one where he immediately feels that shame. But I know that I have been Peter, and I imagine you have too. I've downplayed the significance of my faith not wanting to come across as a Jesus freak and I've also denied Jesus in the times that I have not fed the hungry, parched the thirst of the thirsty, clothed the naked and visited the lonely. In other words, I've been selfish more times than I've been selfless and I know how Peter feels. I think that's why the second part of this story is one of the most powerful moments in the all of the Bible, but we'll get to that in the gospel of John. (Peter's forgiveness and charge) For now, I sit in contemplation of my own moments of shame and ask God for company in those moments.

If you're a visual learner and/or a movie watcher I recommend the movie "Silence" by Martin Scorsese. Silence is a long and a painful movie but I believe is a great visual of the anguish of Peter and the temptation to deny ones faith for self interest.


Praying the Hymns

Our prayer for today is "On This Day Earth Shall Ring." I invite you to hum, sing, recite or meditate on the hymn as a prayer today feeling the presence and warmth of God's love surround you in praise.

(When you can pick the King's College choir, you pick the King's college choir)

On this day earth shall ring with the song children sing to the Lord, Christ our King, born on earth to save us; him the Father gave us.

Refrain: (Ideo translates to therefore, thus the full refrain says "therefore glory to God in the highest) Ideo-o-o, ideo-o-o, ideo gloria in excelsis Deo!

God's bright star, o'er his head, Wise Men three to him led; kneel they low by his bed, lay their gifts before him, praise him and adore him. (Refrain)

On this day angels sing; with their song earth shall ring, praising Christ, heaven's King, born on earth to save us; peace and love he gave us. (Refrain)

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Unknown member
May 19, 2021

Peter's denial of Jesus is also a favorite moment of mine, if just from a storytelling perspective. Peter has already been signaled out in Matthew as being the "rock" of the church and his special relationship of Jesus has been emphasized time and again, usually by acting as the spokeman for the twelve or by accompanying Jesus in his private moments. It makes the scene of his denial much more brutal, especially as it escalates from him just saying to a single person he doesn't know Jesus to Peter swearing publically that he doesn't follow Jesus. Since Peter is supposed to be the rock of the church, his denial is a stark reminder of how we all fall short and…

Unknown member
May 20, 2021
Replying to

So well said! And yes, the beauty of our faith is that we can be embraced again and again as we should for others too. :)

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