Hello friends! It was so lovely to connect with you yesterday for reading the Bible together and discussing it. I always share with McKinsie afterwards how proud I am of the group for your growth, your questions, your insights and the budding confidence as you start making new connections. It is hands down one of my favorite things about pastoring this church is witnessing that! Today and tomorrow are pretty neat readings for Daniel as they have Danny Boi talking to the angel Gabriel (yeah, like the big guy that meets with Mary) and Gabriel talks to Daniel about the end of times. (Happy chat, no?) In those propehies about the coming "anointed one" we get a pretty heavy handed nod towards Jesus. At least, that's how most scholars have viewed it. What do you think? Let's find out!
Scripture to Read
Audio Bible
Questions to Consider
What does this teach me about God?
What does this reading give me a clue what was happening at the time? Or, how does this reading give me a clue as to what the people were talking about or wishing for? How does that change the reading, if at all?
What, if anything, feels applicable to today? What does it call me to do as a response?
Do I think this verse is pointing towards Jesus? Why or why not?
- My Thoughts -
I was supposed to share a Bible Project video yesterday but got trigger happy and shared my own thoughts instead so I'm going to use today to share that with you. Tomorrow I'll have some concluding thoughts on the weirdness of this reading and tomorrow's. See you then!
Praying the Hymns
Dang do I have a head banger for you today. Haha. When I found this video I saw some nerdy looking white dude (yes I know thats me too) and a bunch of choir robes and I expected something waaaayyyy different. Today we're singing to Psalm 24 which is hymn 212 in our United Methodist Hymnal. This song is based on Verses 7-10 and is directly lifted from scripture (which is always fun) I don't expect you to sing along to this one (unless you really wanna put a praise on it) but I do challenge you to get through this one without smiling and nodding your head along at least a little. It's a song to glorify God and dang do they shout that out!
Lift up your heads, o ye gates
and be ye lifted up, ye everlasting doors
and the king of glory shall come in
Who is this king of glory? The Lord, strong and mighty
Who is this king of glory? the Lord, might in battle
Lift up your heads, o ye gates; even lift thump, ye everlasting doors
and the king of glory shall come in
Who is this king of glory? The Lord of hosts, he is the King of Glory