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Reading the Bible Day 169

Hello friends! Today we continue our journey through the book of Jeremiah, as well as have another opportunity to read the Bible live together! Tonight at 6pm you're welcome to join us. There is another meeting scheduled for 7pm so I"m going to keep us to 40 minutes for this one. Click the link below or check your emails if you've participated before for the Zoom information.

Reading the Bible LIVE

Mar 1, 2021 06:00 PM

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 731 241 8277

Passcode: 123456


Scripture to Read


Audio Bible


Questions to Consider

  1. What does this teach me about God?

  2. What does this teach me about humanity?

  3. What does this reveal to me about the role of the prophet?

- My Thoughts -

I don't think this will resonate with many of you the same way it did for me but I loved how Jeremiah 4: 24 - 31 used the beautiful language of the creation of the world in Genesis 1 as an example of what its like when we sin. Jeremiah describes as the heaven's blacken, the light's dim, all the greens of the world turned to wasteland, and all the animals and people were gone. In essence, the farther we fall away from God's covenant, the father we falling from Eden. This is pretty potent image because the whole purpose of the Bible is God's redemption for humanity and establishing a new Eden in Revelation. When we screw up, we set back the timetable of God's work, at least according to the tradition in Jeremiah.

On a different note I love casual use of "light" and "dark" when describing the heavens based on humanities position with God. In Deuteronomy 4:11, the heavens are opened up for Moses and it's described as being black and smoky. In Exodus 19:18 the heavens are opened up as Moses meets God on the mountain top and dark, black smoke is used to obscure the heavens again. Here in Jeremiah, God describes that the heavens will be draped in black (4:28). But when it comes to Jesus things are a little different. When he climbs the mountain at transfiguration it says that a "Bright, white light" shone upon him and made his tunic "dazzlingly white". Interesting. When Jesus ascends into heaven the skies open up for the disciples and while it is still obscured by clouds (smoke) they angels appear wearing white. I could way over analyzing all this, but to me, the heaven's being white when Jesus comes is a sign that says "we're open for business!" while the heavens being draped says "sorry, we're closed." Before the disciples even knew it, they were secured, and that same truth remains for Jesus' disciples today.



Our prayer today is inspired by hymn 169 in our UM hymnal - In Thee is Gladness. I don't know about you, but I've never heard this one before. It's always fun to learn new hymns and praise music! I hope you'll hum, sing, or recite the words as you make them your own. You can find the lyrics beneath the video.

1 In thee is gladness, amid all sadness, Jesus, sunshine of my heart. By thee are given the gifts of heaven, thou the true Redeemer art. Our souls thou makest, our bonds thou breakest; who trusts thee surely hath built securely, and stands forever. Alleluia! Our hearts are pining to see thy shining; dying or living, to thee are cleaving; naught can us sever. Alleluia!

2 If God be ours, we fear no powers, not of earth or sin or death. God sees and blesses in worst distresses, and can change them in a breath. Wherefore the story tell of God's glory with heart and voices; all heaven rejoices, singing forever: Alleluia! We shout for gladness, triumph o'er sadness, loving and praising, voices still raising glad hymns forever: Alleluia!

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